Friday, October 15, 2010

sorry for the big break inbetween posts but I've just had way to much homework and other shit to do lately, but as for what interests me..... 
Browsing teh interwebs and wikipedia i stumbled across the relatively recently discovered moons/planets of Gliese 581 g and Gliese 581c, located about 20.5 light-years (1.94×1014 km) away from earth they represent what some scientists think could the closest planets that have a good chance of supporting life, they lie in the habitable zone of their sun where temperatures allow for water and life the exist, Gliese 581c is actually supposed to have less of a chance because of something about how the scientists didnt correctly factor in possible error in the temperature or something like that.  but anyway because of this discovery scientists are now thinking that up to 10% of stars could harbor planets like these that are capable of supporting life as we know it.
ESO - The Planetary System in Gliese 581 (by).jpg
artists rendition of Gliese 581c and its solar system


  1. if this is the future where is mah space travel?!

  2. In some time we should leave our planet and try check new ;-)

  3. They're calling it the Goldilocks planet. Not too hot not too cold, life is surely there.

  4. Nice blog. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  5. I want to move to another planet without apes

  6. Distance is nothing in curved space. Put two points on a sheet of paper, it doesn't matter how far apart you draw them, in terms of curved space they are always the same distance apart because you can always fold the paper so that points touch each other.

  7. They are already here, disclosure is coming soon...

  8. Kewl story, bra! waiting for updates from you
